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Randy Dyess for Mayor of Buffalo 
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I was born in far southern Wyoming near Dallas, Texas. At age 19, I started a construction company that I still manage today. In 1986 I fell in love with Buffalo by chance while driving through and made it my home. I moved to a ranch south of town for many years before moving to town in the late 90’s. I am married to Lorrie, an RN, CRN, radiology nurse and have raised most of my kids here in Buffalo. My older children have careers in engineering, financing, and health care. Justin is in pharmacy school and will intern again at the Prescription shop this summer. Jake gradated this year from Buffalo high school and was the president of the school his senior year. Which leaves Ryan, a senior, and Aaron, a sophomore, at BHS. Wow, that’s a lot.  
About Randy
Professional Experience
I am the president of my company. I have served and am currently serving on several boards, examples include the Buffalo Planning Commission and Buffalo City Counsel. I served on the board of directors for the WY Association municipalities and the New Growth alliance (Sheridan Buffalo and Gillette). I was Mayor 2010-2014. The city is a complicated system, especially regarding budgeting. It’s essentially a 10 million dollar plus business.I started at the lowest level and worked my way through the municipal levels learning along the way how the city operates.  I would like to think that this experience has helped and will help if I am elected mayor in the future. 
The main reason is all the phone calls I have received and people asking me to run again. From the lady at the store walking up and saying “I didn’t vote for you last time but I wish I did and I will next time” to calls saying “you’re going to run for mayor, right!?” Being the former mayor, I know it’s a hard job but I think I have some ideas to get some things done with limited resources and the help of the council. 

Why am I Running for Mayor?