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Randy Dyess for Mayor of Buffalo 
Challenges and Opportunities
What would my focus be as the mayor?
As a former mayor, the biggest focus tends to be the following limited resources:

  • How to fix streets and replace infrastructure when cities only receive sales and use tax, with the state always seeming to keep more than its share. 

  • How to keep the city services to an acceptable level citizens expect without raising fees. 
  • Lack of communication.

I would strive to get more road work done and replace infrastructure by seeking out of area funds to get that done.  As mayor previously we brought millions into our area and though it is harder now, it is not impossible to repeat this goal. During my previous time we had a part in the funding for Burritt and Lobban St. which is wonderful. But, now we need a solution for more of the streets. 
  • Buffalo has great opportunities and we see them every day, big mountains and a great hometown. We need to work to capture more tourists to improve our economy.
  • Working to keep all city services to existing levels. 
  • Better Communication.

Buffalo's Biggest Problems
Areas of Focus/Opportunities